

I’m not going to lie and say I was happy when Foster the People started gaining popularity. I used to think that’s what every band strived for. Boy was I ignorant. Most underground indie hits stay underground- hence the underground part. Most people will never know about their songs, well unless you’re the type who is a slut for music blogs or hits up all of the music festivals.

I saw Foster the People gain the weirdest popularity like no one’s business. We were listening to “Pumped up Kicks” in Austin on 101X last spring. Now the song is number one on iTunes in the “Alternative” station.

Plus I think I must add that iTunes sells the album for $9.99, but they are trying to sell each single song for $1.29. They're gotten just popular enough for iTunes to try to exploit them. Great.

You can actually hear the song playing on, dare I say it, the mainstream stations now too. I’m think I am supposed to be depressed. Yes, you’ve heard me right. You don’t have to be chilling in a cavern anymore to have heard Foster. Chances you already know the song; you either just discovered the ancient track and love it, you’re totally sick of it.

Here is some obviously legit Wikipedia sourced proof of Foster’s popularity. 

Clearly here you can see that “Pumped up Kicks” was released in 2010, not 2011. For it to peak at number 3 in the United States and number 1 in the alt scene is weird to me. I actually prefer Foster’s second single, “Helena Beat”. 

I can admit I do have the Foster album on my ipod. But “Pumped up Kicks” will never set foot anywhere near my computer, let alone my ipod. I don’t think it sounds anything like the rest of Foster’s album. I prefer the more groovy tracks such as “Houdini”. 

To me Foster is upbeat and fun. “Pumped up Kicks” grinds on my nerves at best. So it makes me sad that cooler songs like “Helena Beat” have only reached, like what, 121 in the US and 9th on the alt chart. I guess the song is too cool for mainstreamers.

So it should be no surprise that Foster has become a car commercial song. Yup. Enough said.

That said I still freakin love “Life on a Nickel”, and I don’t care what y’all say. I used to be cool because I knew who Foster was, but now I’m lame for still liking them. Whatevs.

Oh, and here's "Pumped up Kicks" if you actually haven't heard it! And if that is true, well i guess good for you!



I know this song has been floating around for a while. Even so, SPEAK's first actual album came out a few weeks ago, so I thought it fitting. Speak is now relevant again. I was going to go to their album release concert/ party on the first with the bf, but it was between that and karaoke and I was torn... you get the picture. Karaoke beat out Speak, and I had to buy the album on itunes. Lame. 

Anywhoo, here we are. A REAL Speak album. For fans from the beginning I Believe In Everything isn't totally new, though this could be said about just any band with an early following. Songs like "Stand By Us" and even "Carrie" have been on repeat on my dinky ipoop for a long time now. Most of this album is nothing new to me, but for those who haven't discovered them yet this won't be a bad thing. Now you may wonder why I bought the album if I already knew and had many of the songs. Ah ha! I did indeed buy songs I already have. I don't care. I thought it'd be a good way to support a band I like. I'm not sure now. Wine may or may not have been involved in the decision making process.

"Stand By Us" is still probably my favorite song on the new album, though it has been a favorite of mine for the longest. Catchy lyrics and an upbeat tempo are a winning combination in my book. I couldn't find a good video including the song on youtube, so I linked another Speak song, "Carrie", above. "Carrie" was released on itunes eons ago (June 2011). Just listen to it. If you enjoy how AWESOME it is then Speak may just be a band for you.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who is addicted to this indie pop hybrid shit. It's not mainstream enough to be full on pop music yet not hardcore enough to be considered rock. Hence indie pop. Toro Y Moi, Foster the People- indie pop. I feel a little guilty when I listen to this kind of music. I feel like a sucker. I really do. Indie pop sucks in girls like me by making alternative music cute, upbeat, and fun. Why oh why... 

As for youtube, well it seems we have a Speak love fest so far:

On another note, my boyfriend way back when, I mean a few years ago, went to music school with Speak band member, Joey. I guess you could say they were acquaintances, or at least facebook friends now. I find that pretty cool.



Amanda Mair: the freshest girl to come out of Sweden right now. Can you believe she's only 16 years old?? Her music is a far cry from what comes out of tweens over here in America (thank you Disney and Nickelodeon). Finally a decent young singer to listen to. It's breathy and sickly honey-sweet. Doubt feels young. Amanda doesn't seem to be trying too hard.

You can't look up Amanda Mair without hearing comparisons to Kate Bush and Elle Goulding being thrown around. But guess what? Amanda swears she's never heard Kate Bush. WHATEVER. I'm pretty sure she has now. She has to have, right? RIGHT???!

AND get this. She's so fresh she hasn't even preformed live yet. Plus she doesn't even have a myspace or a wiki page. She's just that new. 

I mean Nylon Mag loves Amanda. I'm pretty sure Nylon is always on the mark... maybe...



Ah yes, the infamous 'chillwave'. The band's album, Era Extraña, just dropped a week ago, and it is a chill as ever. Its like the chillest of chill- the king of chill... or whatever. Neon Indian's sound has evolved from their first album that only just came out last year. I wonder why they decided to put up yet another album almost a year later, but I bet their fans don't mind. The new chill Neon Indian sound is a lot more, well, polished. It doesn't sound like it was recorded in someone's bedroom. It's a lot less raw (but still raw at the same time?). The jarring lo-fi sound of something like Deadbeat Summer is long gone. That sound has been replaced with some chiptuney-esque electronic noises. Even so the albums still feels pretty much the same with the same ole Washed Out vibe.

It's no wonder Neon Indian is going to tour with the likes of Com Truise. Com Truise is synth heavy and super 80's. Neon Indian is channeling a lot of the same vibes. But more chill. A lot more chillllll.

As for Polish Girl, well it is a catchy song. I guess it'll put you in a good mood. I don't know. It speaks for itself. I can understand why people would and would not like the single. It feels fresh as it is in your face electronic and indie. This kind of synth-pop is in. And yet you know sadly it could put some people to sleep. I'm one of those dummies who usually doesn't understand song lyrics, and this song can get tricky like that for me. 

Eh, you can't win with everyone. Oh well.

Youtube says:

So there you go. I was pretty much on point.