

I’m not going to lie and say I was happy when Foster the People started gaining popularity. I used to think that’s what every band strived for. Boy was I ignorant. Most underground indie hits stay underground- hence the underground part. Most people will never know about their songs, well unless you’re the type who is a slut for music blogs or hits up all of the music festivals.

I saw Foster the People gain the weirdest popularity like no one’s business. We were listening to “Pumped up Kicks” in Austin on 101X last spring. Now the song is number one on iTunes in the “Alternative” station.

Plus I think I must add that iTunes sells the album for $9.99, but they are trying to sell each single song for $1.29. They're gotten just popular enough for iTunes to try to exploit them. Great.

You can actually hear the song playing on, dare I say it, the mainstream stations now too. I’m think I am supposed to be depressed. Yes, you’ve heard me right. You don’t have to be chilling in a cavern anymore to have heard Foster. Chances you already know the song; you either just discovered the ancient track and love it, you’re totally sick of it.

Here is some obviously legit Wikipedia sourced proof of Foster’s popularity. 

Clearly here you can see that “Pumped up Kicks” was released in 2010, not 2011. For it to peak at number 3 in the United States and number 1 in the alt scene is weird to me. I actually prefer Foster’s second single, “Helena Beat”. 

I can admit I do have the Foster album on my ipod. But “Pumped up Kicks” will never set foot anywhere near my computer, let alone my ipod. I don’t think it sounds anything like the rest of Foster’s album. I prefer the more groovy tracks such as “Houdini”. 

To me Foster is upbeat and fun. “Pumped up Kicks” grinds on my nerves at best. So it makes me sad that cooler songs like “Helena Beat” have only reached, like what, 121 in the US and 9th on the alt chart. I guess the song is too cool for mainstreamers.

So it should be no surprise that Foster has become a car commercial song. Yup. Enough said.

That said I still freakin love “Life on a Nickel”, and I don’t care what y’all say. I used to be cool because I knew who Foster was, but now I’m lame for still liking them. Whatevs.

Oh, and here's "Pumped up Kicks" if you actually haven't heard it! And if that is true, well i guess good for you!